Wet Process Wafer Chucks (WPWC )
+ Wafer Chuck for Uniform Electrodeposition (WEDC )
Wet processing wafer chucks for back-side protection during wet etching or electrodeposition: We fabricate chucks for wafer diameters between 2" and 200 mm and desired thickness. Custom chucks can be fabricated upon request. Chucks for KOH and HF etching as well as immersion into other chemicals can be fabricated. Chucks with an integrated ring electrode homogenize the current density distribution on the wafer during galvanic deposition processes. Wafer chuck carriers for multiple wet processing wafer chucks can be designed to your needs. Most carriers were designed to fit exactly into our clients etching equipment.
Hereafter, we list some of the standard chemicals used in wet etching microfabrication processes, and compatible with the WPWC:
- HF (Hydrofluoric acid)
- KOH (Potassium hydroxide)
- TMAH (Tetramethylammonium hydroxide)